Shabbat After Good Friday
Jesus’ body was quickly brought down and buried because once the sun set, all work was to halt; it was Sabbath. Sabbath (Shabbat), in Hebrew, means “to stop.” The whole world was to come to a stop. Even oxens, those beasts of burden whose sense of times isn’t divided into weeks, must be left graze for the day. And in Jesus’ death, for those who loved and followed him, their whole world did come to a screeching halt. Not only because the death of a loved one feels likes the end of the world, but also because they saw him as the promise of a new world where God would finally bring shalom (wholeness). In Jesus’ shocking stop/death, they found themselves more broken for having believed in a new world.
As for Jesus’ enemies, they believed that by their devious and brutal ending of his life, they’ve also stopped his revolution….or so they believed….
We know that the first day of the week brought a twist to this plot, but it’s necessary for us to sit awhile with this tragic stop.
Especially, in this time of Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing, as we know well the grief and loss that comes from unexpected and abrupt “stops.”
the dream of a different world
the water turned to wine
the drinking of wine
the inebriated laughs
the hilarious parables
the thought-provoking parables
the world-shattering parables
the shaming of the shamers
the stopping of funerals
the talks about God that made things more confusing
the talks about God as if I had known God all along
the talks that made me angry
the talks that just left me speechless
the voice that made my name sound holy
the voice that rebuked the wind
the voice that rebuked those I was scared of
the voice that scared me
the voice that calmed me
the long walk through the woods
the long walk through the streets of Jerusalem
the eyes that looked me at as if I was God
the eyes that opened my eyes to see God
the healing of lepers
the touching of lepers
the rubbing of blind eyes until they opened
the blessing of children
the heartbeat
the heart